ITalented ACSL Club was formed in 2018 by Ms. Jane and has received many awards since then.

Our team was placed at National second place in ACSL Final Allstar Competition. One of our team member got the only perfect score among all the finalists in 2019 All Star National. 90% of our high school club members got qualified for the National. More than 15 students got the First place in State. There are 7 silver medalists and 7 bronze medalists in National Allstar Final Competition.

ITalented ACSL club will teach the student fundamental computer science principles (that go beyond just programming) which will be tested in ACSL contests. While we will focus on the material that the ACSL covers, we will also teach other concepts that will be applicable to USACO and other CS competitions.

We will start the club meeting from Sep 4th and the year- round meeting will continue until May 21 while the competition season is over.

Total 30 club meetings for full session in entire year. Four qualification rounds will be offered in our club and the registration fee of qualification rounds is covered in the club fee.

American Computer Science League (ACSL) is the oldest and the second biggest Computer Science related competition for K-12 students with 45 years of history. There are over 700 teams in the United States and other countries participated this event.

There are four individual qualification divisions in ACSL: Elementary, Junior, Intermediate, and Senior . ITalented will offer all 4 divisions this year!

In Qualification Season, the individual students will compete in four rounds in order to qualify for Final AllStar National Competition. Each round will test different CS related concepts and some concepts are taught only at College CS courses. For Middle School and High School Divisions, each round will have both written test of CS concepts and program coding test. For elementary school Division, only written CS concepts will be tested. The total scores from all 4 rounds will be counted in order to get qualified for the Final.

All winning students from ITalented ACSL Club will get a scholarship from ITalented at the end of competition season!

Past Winners

We encourage the winners to volunteer their time to help other club members in the club by offering office hours. Volunteering certificate will be provided. They will also get a leadership position in the club.

To find the information about our
Coaches, please click here.

To find the concepts we will teach in each division, please click here.

ITalented also offer other classes in Math, Physics and Computer Science. To find more information about our other classes offering, please click here.